How to Build An Audience From Nothing – 5 Helpful Videos And Links

It’s hard for a business to succeed if it never finds any customers. But how can you connect with people who are interesting in what you’re creating? Unfortunately, building an audience can seem very intimidating, since it’s hard to get engagement on social media and/or rank on the web. I’m working on building an audience right now, but haven’t done it successfully myself yet, so I compiled a list of resources created by people who’ve successfully built audiences online.

Not in any particular order.

Neil Patel – How to Build an Audience (Even if You’re a Nobody)

If you’re a member of this sub, you’ve probably heard of Neil Patel before. As he says himself in this video, “Neil is everywhere!” As a best-selling author and huge blogger, he definitely knows how to grow an audience. In this video, Neil teaches basic strategies to grow an audience within a niche.

Ahrefs – Noah Kagan on Growing An Audience

Noah Kagan is no stranger to building audiences online. He’s the founder of AppSumo, an online software marketplace that makes millions of dollars in sales each year. He’s a big proponent of email marketing, and is also the founder of SendFox, an email marketing tool (with a free plan), and MailChimp competitor. Noah definitely knows a thing or two about building audiences, and this video is about 25 minutes of pure knowledge.

Geraint Clarke – The 6 Steps of Building an Audience From Nothing

Geraint Clarke is the creator of Bespoke Marketing Campaigns. Geraint shares a concrete plan for getting your audience started off. One thing I really liked about this article is his use of anecdotes to clearly explain concepts. After all, if I already knew how to build an audience, I wouldn’t still be reading articles about it, so anything that makes it easier to learn helps a lot.

Eric Siu – The 30-Day Strategy to Build an Audience (Without Spending a Dime!)

Eric Siu created Marketing School with Neil Patel, and together they grew it to 750k users. In this post, Eric shares some of the strategies he’s used to grow his own audience.

George Kao – How to build an audience from scratch for your business (or blog)

George Kao is a business coach who helps people grow audiences, and has also built up an audience for himself, on multiple social networks. In this article, George offers tips on building an audience up from zero.

One thing I also found interesting is George publishes all the content on his website under the Creative Commons CC0 license. I respect this a lot; here are his reasons for doing so:


This is my first time trying to create content like this, so it was a bit of an experiment. What do you think? Did you like this format? Do you have any other feedback? Thanks!

I was thinking about contacting these authors to let them know I’ve cited their work here, but maybe it would make more sense to wait until my site is a bit more established.