Category: Shopify

  • The Challenges of Maintaining the Built for Shopify Badge: A Developer’s Perspective

    As a developer in the Shopify ecosystem, achieving and maintaining the “Built for Shopify” badge is a significant milestone. It’s a symbol of quality, trust, and adherence to best practices. However, one particular requirement for this badge—the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric—has proven to be a challenging and often frustrating aspect for many of us.…

  • Maximizing App Activation and Retention: A Strategic Approach for Shopify App Developers

    As a Shopify app developer, it’s crucial to recognize where to invest your resources to drive sales and ensure sustainable growth. In today’s competitive market, it’s often tempting to cast a wide net with top-of-the-funnel marketing strategies. However, focusing on bottom-of-the-funnel tactics can be far more effective, especially when dealing with a niche product. Why…

  • Shopify App Marketing 101

    Everybody is happy to tell you how to code a Shopify app, but nobody wants to tell you how to find customers. If this guide had existed in January 2023, when I started in Shopify world, I would probably have been much farther along by now. I know nobody reads anything, so I’ve kept it…

  • The Shopify App Store Is Broken

    It’s difficult to make any business profitable, but Shopify apps have additional obstacles you have to work around to make revenue > expenses. While it’s true that the Shopify App Store can bring you many customers organically, it has some essential problems that make it a stressful place to build a company. Though this is…