Tag: Opinion

  • The Challenges of Maintaining the Built for Shopify Badge: A Developer’s Perspective

    As a developer in the Shopify ecosystem, achieving and maintaining the “Built for Shopify” badge is a significant milestone. It’s a symbol of quality, trust, and adherence to best practices. However, one particular requirement for this badge—the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) metric—has proven to be a challenging and often frustrating aspect for many of us.…

  • Contribute, Or Die: An Open Source Mantra

    I originally wrote a draft of this in December, but was inspired to finish it by recent events (i.e. actix-web). We’ve all heard the trope that the “free” in “free software” does not necessarily mean “without cost” (source). In fact, it really almost never does. Even if a unit of software is available without monetary…

  • How Many Types Is Too Many?

    Position: Type annotations are ultimately undesirable when working with sufficiently-complex type systems, but there is no better solution. There is a point where a formally-verified compiler becomes indistinguishable from an automated theorem prover. Such a compiler can deduce a lot of information from a given language. Take, for example, a hypothetical, C-like language: int array_nth(arr,…

  • Why Net Neutrality Died.

    You can thank Ajit Pai and the FCC. From the bottom of my heart, I really and truly hope that somehow I am proven wrong. I hope that the FCC decides to actually vote on behalf of the people it represents. I hope that the FCC does what is right, rather than allowing itself to…

  • We Are All SoundCloud Rappers.

    The figures we mock the most might just be the ones who represent us best. Gazzy Garcia, better known as "Lil Pump," just hit #7 on the Billboard Hot 100 with his two-minute "Gucci Gang," the shortest song to break the Top 10 since 1975. Lil Pump is enjoying mainstream success now, but we can’t…