Category: Uncategorized

  • Why I Chose a Static Site Over WordPress for My Company Blog

    I gave up on migrating my company blog to WordPress. Instead, I’m sticking with a static site. The benefits are clear: Originally, I aimed to make it easier for non-technical freelancers to contribute, but having them write in Docs and using a Markdown plugin works just fine. In fact, I’m also moving my personal site…

  • Why This SaaS Founder Left Twitter

    Recently, I did something that anyone trying to build a personal brand would consider crazy: I quit Twitter, cold turkey. X (formerly known as Twitter) is the home of several communities I’m part of: And over the past several months, my profile has grown more than ever before, peaking around 820 followers. If your goal…

  • SaaS Founders: Take A Freaking Break!

    One of the best things about SaaS businesses is that they don’t require us to be glued to our work 24/7. Unless a customer has a support request, or there’s a bug in your software, virtually every problem can wait to be solved. Honestly, even support requests can wait, if your product isn’t mission-critical. It’s…

  • The Greatest Cash Grab In History?Naruto x Boruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm CONNECTIONS

    Analyzing big companies’ business decisions is one of my favorite pastimes. As a Naruto fan, Bandai Namco’s upcoming game, NARUTO X BORUTO Ultimate Ninja STORM CONNECTIONS caught my attention. But its business model has brought Bamco a ton of pushback. Let me clarify: in no way is this a hate piece. I’m more interested in…

  • Starting A Blog? Go Stealth Mode

    For the first time in years, I’ve actually written articles on my blog for a few consecutive days now. This is actually the third blog post I’ve written today. But nobody knows, except for you and me. In the wake of Elon Musk’s Twitter takeover, the site has become awful as a marketing channel. Good…

  • SaaS Founders Need Conversations, Not Data

    So, your micro SaaS business isn’t growing nearly as quickly as you want it to. As a technical founder, you likely believe the problem in your business is a lack of data. I get it — you’re used to leveraging data to make optimal decisions. However, you’re wrong. This is the position I was recently…

  • Why Technical Founders Should Adopt A Non-Technical Mindset

    I’m an ex-Google software engineer, and so far, I’ve written 100% of the code for Shopify apps in my business myself. I love computer science, and think about coding almost all the time. But even still, I found myself wondering yesterday – how would I be running my business if I didn’t know how to…

  • Debugging Shopify Functions in Practice

    This is a continually-updated journal of errors and bugs I’ve run into while developing my Shopify app, Regios Automatic Discounts, using Shopify Functions. Hopefully, this can help at least one person find the solution to their problem. If you have any questions in the meantime, hit me up on Twitter. How can I debug my…

  • 10 Skills Every Junior Engineer Needs To Learn

    I’ve been a software engineer at Google for 20 months. But when I started the job, I had NO CLUE what I was doing! Here are 10 skills every junior engineer needs to learn: Time Management As a software engineer, you get so much autonomy that it can be hard to adjust if you just…

  • yes, cold emails work

    let me tell you a short story: i’m working on software for (tiktok) creators. rather than guessing at an idea, i chose to interview people in the niche first. yesterday, i sent over 40 cold emails, and received 4 responses in under 24 hours. sure, it’s a small sample size, but interviewing 4 people in…