Category: Uncategorized

  • How TikTok’s Algorithm Works: A Technical Explanation

    Ever wondered how TikTok’s For You Page seems to know exactly which kinds of videos you’ll be most interested in? I’ll explain how recommendation systems, like TikTok’s algorithm, work under the hood. Quick disclaimer – I don’t work at TikTok, so I’m open to corrections and disagreement. However, I know a lot about programming, and…

  • 6 Side Hustle Ideas For Programmers – NO Money Needed

    I’m gonna show you how to make money outside your programming job, with no investment required. None of these ideas I’m about to list require you to spend a dime, but you will have to invest a lot of time. Each of these ideas also provides a way to generate passive income for you. You…

  • Things A Computer Science Degree Doesn’t Teach You About Software Development

    I’m nearing the end of my 7th month working professionally as a software engineer, and in that time, I’ve learned a lot about working in the industry. Here are some of the things my CS degree didn’t directly prepare me for. (Folks who have already been pros for a couple years likely know all this…

  • How to Build An Audience From Nothing – 5 Helpful Videos And Links

    It’s hard for a business to succeed if it never finds any customers. But how can you connect with people who are interesting in what you’re creating? Unfortunately, building an audience can seem very intimidating, since it’s hard to get engagement on social media and/or rank on the web. I’m working on building an audience…

  • How Anger Births the Best Business Ideas

    You’ve heard it probably millions of times before – if you’re looking for a business idea, start by scratching your own itch. Sure, but how do you actually find an itch worth scratching? Let’s face it – most problems we face in life are just minor annoyances, and not worth solving. Just because something annoys…

  • The Simple Beauty of PHP

    It definitely has flaws, don’t get me wrong. Does one thing really well – quickly makes dynamic websites. No additional tooling necessary Very low learning curve It’s great for MVP’s, because you can very quickly create your prototype.

  • Write more, write shorter

    I love to write, but rarely do I actually publish on my blog. I went through a long stretch from the beginning of 2020, to almost the end of 2021, where I didn’t make a single post. Unsurprisingly, it was probably one of the roughest points in my life mentally. I went through a lot,…

  • Quote Tweets Are The Worst Part Of Twitter

    Quote Tweets are the worst part of Twitter. They deliver undesirable content and misinformation to your feed, and are often abused to harass other users in droves. See, unlike the other features on the site, people use Quote Tweets to share things they hate, instead of things they enjoy. Despite this, Quote Tweets draw lots…

  • When You Have No Business Idea

    We’ve all been there before. It’s where I’ve been recently. When no matter what you do, you can’t come up with an idea with good product-market fit, or all the ones you’ve had were taken, it’s tough to stay motivated when you can’t come up with a solid business idea. If you’re anything like me,…

  • Can You Sell Info Products On Instagram?

    For aspiring digital entrepreneurs who don’t yet have the resources to launch a SaaS product, info products are maybe the next best thing. After all, you create the product once, and with the right systems in place, it will sell itself. People are always looking for education on a multitude of topics, so if you…